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You can download the PDF of the presentation here.

Session Information

This series of calls is meant for MW+S and Surface SureStep Community.
Leverage on this call to connect with Microsoft MW+S and Surface team on a monthly basis and learn about the latest updates, share thoughts and be ready to ask questions.


  •  Francesca Fumagalli

    Francesca Fumagalli

    Microsoft WE Modern Work CPM

  • Arianna Riccardi

    Arianna Riccardi

    Copilot for Microsoft 365 GTM Manager

  • Lígia Mendonça

    Lígia Mendonça

    Surface Product Marketing Manager

  • Catriona McDonnell

    Catriona McDonnell

    Senior Partner Development Manager, Western Europe


Zielgruppe Sales
Interessenbereich Microsoft Teams
Sprache Englisch
Lösungsbereich Modern Work