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Session Details

The Swiss Partner Townhalls are a monthly series of communications between Microsoft Partners and the Microsoft Partner organization.

All Swiss partner employees are welcome to join the conversation.

The Townhalls will address relevant and current topics of Microsoft’s partner ecosystem, as well as dive into solution and procedural topics of interest (i.e., incentives, support tools, co-selling) to ensure the best possible collaboration between Microsoft and its Swiss partners.


9:30: Top of Mind: Andrew Reid, Global Partner Solutions Director

9:40: MS AI Cloud Partner Program: Manuel Michaud, Partner Tech Lead

9:55: Partner Center Updates: Mario Engelhardt, Ecosystem Lead CH at MS Business Group

10:05: CoPilot Prompting Competition Updated, Bruno Dällenbach, Partner Development Manager Switzerland

10:15: Closing: Manuel Michaud, Partner Tech Lead



  • Bruno Dällenbach

    Bruno Dällenbach

    Partner Development Manager for Switzerland

  • Mario Engelhardt

    Mario Engelhardt

    Ecosystem Lead CH at MS Business Group

  • Manuel Michaud

    Manuel Michaud

    Partner Tech Lead at Microsoft Switzerland

  • Andrew Reid

    Andrew Reid

    Global Partner Solutions Director