Cloud platforms have proven their strategic importance during the COVID crisis. Positive at first glance, this has led to a perception of excessive dependence on infrastructures owned and operated by foreign companies such as U.S. Based providers.
The result? An increased demand for digital sovereignty and control, which in many cases materializes in stricter requirements for data localization, data access, data transfer and data processing.

The Swiss market is at its tipping point when it comes to cloud adoption with regulated industries, with the consequence of an increased demand for risk assurance and support, as both partners and customers are struggling to adapt existing due diligence processes to the cloud operating model.

The goal of this learning path is to support Microsoft Partners in Switzerland in developing the right skills to have meaningful conversations and address questions that customers have on data protection, privacy and compliance in the cloud.

In these four modules we will take you through key topics that will help you in building your conversations with customers and differentiate yourself in the market:

  • Modern Cloud Risk Assessment
    • Speaker: Dr. Marc Holitscher, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Switzerland
  • Addressing Compliance and Privacy - Fundamentals
    • Speaker: Daniel von Büren, Technical Specialist Security and Compliance, Microsoft Switzerland
  • Addressing Compliance and Privacy - Technical
    • Speaker: Daniel von Büren, Technical Specialist Security and Compliance, Microsoft Switzerland
  • Microsoft Cloud in Switzerland
    • Speaker: Primo Amrein, Cloud Lead, Microsoft Switzerland
